Horror stories abound in our world. And Venezuela seethes with peculiar tales that form part of its folklore for frightening all kind of listeners, no matter their age. In this post you’ll read Venezuela’s most popular folktales that will certainly give you chills. Although there are different versions of each […]
3 posts
Living in Buenos Aires since 2018 has made me aware of the little, funny differences between the Spanish variants existing in the Americas today. Photo taken from Pixabay Even if it may be on a tiny scale, words have a significant impact in my day-to-day life as a foreigner on […]
Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. It is the moment to forget about diets and how much you despise your noisy neighbors, and to spend time with your loved ones. Navidad in Venezuela is by far the most awaited and important time of the year. El […]