LN – Argentinaenaccion.org, a solidary platform to help without leaving home

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ArgentinaEnAccion.org brings together in a single platform the solidarity initiatives in the face of the COVID-19 emergency so that you can donate simply and directly.

Seldom has so much help been needed and never before has a compulsory quarantine put so many obstacles to solidarity. Nevertheless,

in the middle of the pandemic

and from the care that must be taken, new ways of appealing to the great

solidarity response

that Argentines have in the face of crises. So, looking for an alternative to link to

those who want to help those who need a hand

, arose


, a platform that allows, without leaving home, to know the task and the needs of many organizations that work to face the consequences of COVID-19. With just a click, you can collaborate for more

food assistance, more hygiene and cleaning kits are distributed and the health system is strengthened


Most of these social institutions had to modify their dynamics, expand their coverage and intensify the purchase of supplies, among other new challenges. Against this background, resources are scarce and aid becomes imperative. “This crisis teaches us that the well-being of

humanity depends on positive and integrated actions

of all actors in society. We are sure that with empathy, solidarity and responsibility we can face this pandemic and build a future where success is measured by economic, social and environmental well-being, “said Cecilia Peluso, president of the Business Council of Sistema B Argentina, one of the promoters of the project together with Mercado Libre and the support of Fundación La Nación, Fundación Noble, Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (Adepa) and VPM, among others.

Credit: Kindness

Under the slogan “Now more than ever, Argentina in Action”, the platform aims to give visibility to different initiatives so that they improve their articulation capacity and obtain funds directly. In 24 hours, through MercadoPago and without cost, the entities will receive the donated money.

Faced with one of the main concerns, which is prevention through hygiene, many actions are focused on providing

cleaning kits for families

who do not have adequate bathrooms or housing conditions. “There are more than 6 million families who do not have a bathroom at home in Argentina and cannot wash their hands or disinfect the spaces because they do not have the resources,” said Santiago Nicolini, general coordinator of

Sanitary Module

, an NGO that works to solve the health deficit that exists in the country and that is on the platform.

Other initiatives are focused on reaching more children with a plate of food, and helping their families. “Today our priority is

feed hungry people

“said Paula García from

Mamis Solidarias,

which provides food and school support to more than 850 boys and girls in the southern zone of Greater Buenos Aires and in Misiones. Like many other organizations, they had to suspend all projects by 2020 and some of their work is in jeopardy. However, they continue to attend various picnic areas, such as Los Piecitos in Ezeiza and Caritas Felices, in Esteban Echeverría; and they cooperate with the Damos Más dinners, food in the El Tala neighborhood, in Ezeiza, among others.

Faced with the crisis caused by COVID-19, many soup kitchens and community organizations had to expand the number of food items they deliver.
Faced with the crisis caused by COVID-19, many soup kitchens and community organizations had to expand the number of food items they deliver. Credit: Kindness

“Although for now we subsist with our budget and with some donations, we do not have the money to supply everyone from here to June and we urgently need a hand,” he explained. Therefore, the reference of

Solidarity Moms

stressed that ”

each contribution is essential

and that ‘little is a lot’, since the sum of small contributions makes a big difference in the end. “Precisely, that is one of the purposes of


In this sense, Guadalupe Marín, senior manager of Sustainability for Latin America at Mercado Libre, said: “This platform is a way to give greater strength and visibility to social organizations, both large and small, that are in need of more resources. , and also make it easier for everyone to donate from their homes. ” And he concluded: “Today more than ever we believe in the strength of

promote a culture of solidarity

and collaborative to generate the social transformations that we need as a society “.



Publicado en el diario La Nación

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