LN – Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban: the Foreign Ministry confirmed that one of the four Argentines was able to leave the country

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One of the four Argentines who were in Kabul, Afghanistan, managed to leave the country this Tuesday, which fell to the Taliban over the weekend. Is about Andres Arevalo, who works as a pilot and belongs to an NGO. Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry confirmed that a second stranded is about to leave, while the remaining two have a confirmed flight to Istanbul but without a departure time.

As it transpired yesterday, Arevalo left Afghanistan on a private flight with his wife, a Brazilian woman, and other pilots. The possibility arose after the suspension of commercial flights on Monday from the chaos that broke out at the Kabul airport, where thousands of people were mobilized in a desperate attempt to escape the country.

Regarding the remaining stranded, Foreign Ministry sources confirmed that the Argentine Gilberto Velázquez Franco, who is an official of the United Nations Organization (UN), is next to leave the territory. As anticipated yesterday THE NATIONHe would do so on his way to Kazakhstan in the course of this day aboard a plane arranged by the aforementioned international organization.

While, Melisa Rolls and Rodolfo Yamila, also members of an NGO, have a commercial ticket for today to Istanbul. However, they do not have a confirmed schedule. Faced with this scenario, the spokespersons reported that they were given a visa so they can leave overland to Pakistan.

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