In the last year, I’ve written quite a few posts about Colombia for the Spanish blog. I wrote about studying Spanish in Medellín, which I highly recommend as a destination for learning the language. You can also read my post about La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera (the City of […]
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Venezuela is going through the harshest political, social, and economic crisis of its history. The once rich nación petrolera (oil country) is now drowning in a deep ocean of misfortune and uncertainty. The current situation dates back to 1999, when Hugo Chávez took power and implemented the so-called socialismo del […]
In this Spanish lesson we will practice El Futuro Perfecto, the Spanish Future Perfect grammar tense. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. Image courtesy of This lesson is part of a Spanish course that […]
In this Spanish lesson we will practice expressing hopes and wishes with El Presente de Subjuntivo, the Spanish Present Subjunctive grammar tense. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. Image courtesy of This lesson is […]
Living in Buenos Aires since 2018 has made me aware of the little, funny differences between the Spanish variants existing in the Americas today. Photo taken from Pixabay Even if it may be on a tiny scale, words have a significant impact in my day-to-day life as a foreigner on […]
Who has not heard about Netflix’s latest movie Roma? There has been so much talk of the movie and of its director Alfonso Cuarón, of the awards received and of the great movie it is. I recently saw the movie and was taken back by the story as much as by the […]