In this lesson of our English Spanish Parallel Texts course and we are going to practice using the Spanish verb Ser (To Be). Start by reading the texts in Spanish below. The English translations are provided later but please try not to look at them until you have read the […]
In this lesson of our English Spanish Parallel Texts course and we are going to practice using Spanish Numbers 100-1000. Start by reading the texts in Spanish below. The English translations are provided later but please try not to look at them until you have read the Spanish versions various […]
In this lesson of our English Spanish Parallel Texts course and we are going to practice giving directions in Spanish. Start by reading the texts in Spanish below. The English translations are provided later but please try not to look at them until you have read the Spanish versions various […]
This is the third in our course of English Spanish Parallel Texts and we are going to practice discussing The Spanish Alphabet. Start by reading the texts in Spanish below. The English translations are provided later but please try not to look at them until you have read the Spanish […]
This is the second in our course of English Spanish Parallel Texts and we are going to practice discussing Professions in Spanish. Start by reading the texts in Spanish below. The English translations are provided later but please try not to look at them until you have read the Spanish […]
Build your repertoire of Spanish words little by little by tuning in to these biweekly posts on English-Spanish vocabulary. You will find lots of really useful words on essential everyday topics, complete with audio mp3 recordings to help you with the Spanish pronunciation. Enjoy! Today we are going to practice […]