English Spanish Vocabulary – Pets Mascotas

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Today we are going to practice useful Spanish vocabulary related to pets.
Hoy vamos a practicar vocabulario español útil relacionado con mascotas.


Pets Mascotas

basket el cesto
beak el pico
bird el pájaro
cage la jaula
cat el gato
claw la garra
collar el collar
dog el perro
feather la pluma
female la hembra
fish el pez
friendly amable
furry peludo
goldfish el pez de colores
guinea pig la cobaya
hamster el hámster
horse el caballo
kennel la perrera
male el macho
mouse el ratón
parrot el loro
paw la pata
playful juguetón
rabbit el conejo
shy tímido
snake la serpiente
tail el rabo
to bark ladrar
to bite morder
to chase perseguir
to feed dar de comer
to go for a walk pasear
to growl gruñir
to stroke acariciar
tortoise una tortuga

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About the Author:Laura

Laura. I qualified as a Spanish Language Teacher in 2004. I have taught Spanish in England and Spain and now really enjoy teaching the Spanish Language via my website The Spanish Blog to students from all around the world. I love my job and the intricacies of the Spanish Language. My main personal interests are music, reading and cooking. I studied music for twelve years in Bilbao and I play the piano. I also enjoy singing and I try my best to sing more in English now. I hope very much that you enjoy my posts and welcome any comments.

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