You have probably heard a lot about Argentina this week, as South America’s second largest nation was “the thing” of the week in global news. In this post I’ll give you some key facts to better understand what’s happening down here regarding politics and the local economy. I’ll also introduce […]
3 posts
On June 20th, Argentineans celebrated el Día de la Bandera Nacional (Flag Day) and commemorated the death of its creator, Manuel Belgrano, one of the most important independence leaders, who died on June 20th, 1820. Flag Day celebrations in Argentina have a special venue: el Monumento Nacional a la Bandera […]
Comercial de Asurin para sus Bolsas verdes con cierra facil, presentando algunas soluciones argentinas para pequeños problemas cotidianos como fosforos para contar puntos en el truco y amasar con una botella, un rodete con un lapiz, una hamaca con una cubierta, una pelota de trapo, papelito doblado en la pata […]