LN – The revenge of Tolosa Paz: after the criticism, he “found” in Moreno his shoes at 1800 pesos

Si te gusta, compártelo

Much was said during this week, in different tones by the way, of Victoria Tolosa Paz and her “sneakers at 2000 pesos, a phrase that the candidate for deputy of the Frente de Todos used to “sell” the rate freeze established by the government of Alberto Fernandez and its supposed “spill” in popular consumption.

The truth is that, during her tour on Wednesday through the center of the Buenos Aires town of Moreno, the candidate found a “proof” of her position, which helped her to respond to the media in which it was shown that, by work And thanks to inflation, getting sports shoes at that price was nothing short of impossible.

Cristina’s lack of an act in Santa Fe left doubts among Perotti’s allies

The “responsible” for the finding was Daniel “Chuky” Menéndez, a leader of Somos Barrios de Pie, a former official and also a member of the list of applicants, who spotted some “eco-leather” sneakers at a modest 1800 pesos and in sizes 39 to 44 in a shop.

Tolosa Paz Shoes

Tolosa Paz Slippers (Instagram Capture /)

“Vicky, look, come on”the social leader shouted at her with a smile, and forced her to stop her march, among officials of the mayor Mariel Fernández, policewomen and simple onlookers. “Ah, that’s good!” Tolosa Paz was enthusiastic, before standing near the poster and posing for his campaign photographers. “Those who criticize do not kick a fucking street”the FDT applicant murmured before continuing on her way and as a revenge against the media that took her sentence to produce reports on exorbitant shoe prices in the country.

“Be careful, I also know that there are sneakers at 15,000 pesos,” Tolosa Paz conceded, before learning that a national factory would try to take advantage of the discussion on social networks to launch its “Tolosa line” of sports shoes at $ 1990, both for men and women. . Without mentioning the shoes, Tolosa Paz continues to balance and surf the conflictive issues, such as the incipient “clamor operation” for a second term by Alberto Fernández, the insecurity or the birthdays of the presidential couple in the Olivos farm.

Brandoni harangues young people and gets angry with the “three empanadas”

Become the “ace in the sleeve” of the Adelante Ciudad list of national deputies of Together for Change, Luis Brandoni walks the streets of the city in support of the former Secretary of Health Adolfo Rubinstein and other applicants. They tell from the radical campaign committee that the popular actor usually uses a phrase from the film Made in Lanús, in which he participated, for encourage young people not to think about leaving the country.

Luis Brandoni with the Adelante Ciudad candidates

Luis Brandoni with the Adelante Ciudad candidates (Alejandro Guyot /)

“He tells them, like the protagonist of that film, that there are many things that do not fit in a suitcase and that from the moment you arrive in another country you are a foreigner for life. He was outside and he knows what it is, ”says another of the participants of the tours, which can be three per week.

They remember that in his very extensive list of films and television appearances he is also Waiting for the Carroza, in which Brandoni plays a “rogue” who cries poverty before his relatives and who left the anthological phrase of “Three empanadas”. “Many people remind him of it on the street, but he doesn’t like it at all,” says a close friend. Brandoni himself recently assured that “The phrase is not funny. It is outrageously cynical. It is said by a character who is a scoundrel “.

Scioli, discreet “intermediary” of Brazilian companies along the waterway

The controversial and abrupt end of the concession to the Belgian company Jan de Nul for the dredging of the Paraná-Paraguay waterway motivates the companies in the sector, eager to participate in the future tender to take charge of the control and operation of the main inland waterway in the country. It is the case of the Brazilian DTA, a giant of the sector with European partners whose leaders were in Buenos Aires ten days ago. They were received by the Minister of Transport, Alexis guerrera, but the interesting thing was that the third participant of the meeting was nothing less than the Argentine ambassador in Brazil, Daniel Scioli.

Minister Alexis Guerrera, together with Joao Acacio from the DTA company and Ambassador Daniel Scioli.

Minister Alexis Guerrera, together with Joao Acacio from the DTA company and Ambassador Daniel Scioli.

“I was very well received. The minister guaranteed the total transparency of the process and his great concern for environmental, social and governance issues ”, commented the head of the company, Joao Acacio, without delving into the “endorsement” of the Argentine ambassador.

While Scioli insists that improving trade is “their” priority, close to Guerrera maintain that “all companies will have the same treatment and will find out at the same time” of the conditions for the tender, after the transition year has elapsed. in charge of the General Administration of Ports.

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