LN – Soledad Acuña: “I feel hopeless when people talk about the Copa América and the presence in schools is questioned”

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The Buenos Aires Minister of Education, Soledad Acuña, referred today to the new restrictions to lower the contagion curve, but defended and confirmed back to class for the entry level. “I feel hopeless when I see that there is talk of carrying out the America Cup in the country and the presence in education is questioned ”, expressed the official in dialogue with radio Miter.

“The future needs the boys in school, the boys need it today, so we have to make the decisions that allow us to build that future in the classroom,” said Acuña, who was categorical when it came to prioritizing education over education. realization of the America’s Cup.

Yesterday, the president of Pro, Patricia Bullrich, He harshly questioned the Government about the possibility of the Copa América 2021, the oldest national team championship in the world, being organized in the country. “It is clear what their priorities are: bread and circuses”, Bullrich sneered.

Poliarquía survey: overwhelming social rejection that the Copa América be held in Argentina in the midst of a pandemic

For his part, Acuña explained today how the scheme of the return to the classrooms announced yesterday by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. “On Monday, face-to-face classes return for everything that is the initial level – kindergarten and primary – and bimodal for 1st and 2nd year of secondary school and virtual for boys from 3rd to 6th year”, detailed.

“Understanding that we have to make restrictions on the modality to lower the contagion curve, we decided that the largest, who have more mobility, remain virtual,” he clarified in this regard.

Last night, the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, announced the return at face-to-face classes for students at the initial, primary and bimodal levels for the first two years of secondary school starting next Monday. “The evidence shows that the level of infections in schools is lower than in the rest of the City,” he argued.

“We convey our conviction that the priority is education and we do not have a spirit of conflict. I said that the first thing we were going to open were the schools, ”Larreta said yesterday, when asked about his decision to maintain face-to-face classes despite the resolution of the national government that stipulates remote teaching in areas of epidemiological alarm.

Differences with Nation

In relation to friction with the Nation, Acuña considered: “It is not the data that is being discussed because the evidence cannot be discussed. What we have is a difference on how to make the restrictions and where to put the priorities ”.

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Boys and teachers at school are not contagious. They are careful activities. We prefer that mobility be given by educational activity rather than by other activities. We prefer to restrict other activities but have open education ”, the minister completed.

Winter Break

On the other hand, when asked about the possibility of bring forward the winter holidays, Acuña said that different scenarios are being analyzed with the school calendar, which he said is extended in the city. “There are 196 days, and we must see how we accompany health policies with educational needs,” he clarified.

“It is an option to change the date of the holidays, which are the second half of July, but we are accelerating the process of vaccinating teachers with the vaccines that arrive, and we also estimate that if we advance later we will have a long winter, because July and August are the coldest months, ”he added.

“You can change the holiday date, but after that we would have a very long second part of the year, so we are analyzing different options to be able to follow the health policy”, Acuña specified.

“Last week we made the decision not to have virtual classes for the three days of stricter confinement, which we know many families did not like, because we have days that allow us to recover in person. We prefer those three days to make a stand and let the schools organize themselves again with their bubbles, especially those that had been punctured in high school ”, he concluded in this regard.

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