LN – Sofía Herrera: 11 years after her disappearance, they ask to viralize her updated photo

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Sofía Herrera with her mother, María Elena

On September 28, the 11th anniversary of the
disappearance of Sofía Herrera, the 3-year-old girl who was last seen at the North campsite, formerly called John Goodall, near Rio Grande, in Tierra del Fuego. “From that moment until today we never stop looking for her,” said María Elena Delgado, her mother, who led a march, as she did every year, in the center of Rio Grande.

For her, today, one of the most important strategies is that people disseminate the image of her daughter's updated face to collaborate with her search. “Every little face of Sofia that I see replicated in social networks is one more possibility to find her: no you must never give up, “says Maria Elena.

Updated images of Sofia's face
Updated images of Sofia's face

The disappearance of Sofia is not an isolated case in our country. According to the latest update of the National Registry of Information on Missing Minors, there were 1509 search complaints during 2018, of which 768 are still active. In addition, according to the website of
Missing Children, there are 95 boys lost to this day, of which 14 are of legal age.

Search request
Search request

What to do if you suspect a child was lost?

  • Make the complaint instantly at the police station in the area. According to specialists, the first hour in which someone is lost is known as “the golden hour” as there may be witnesses who remember details of what they have seen
  • Ask the police to tell you which court or prosecutor will intervene and go to the right place
  • Spread the search with images among family, friends and on social networks. Also, paste posters and photos near where the person was lost
  • Communicate with a search network for people, such as Red Solidaria (011) 4450-8204 or * 1000 or Missing Children: 0800-333-5500


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