LN – Help network grows to care for caregivers

Si te gusta, compártelo

Luz González Clement (right) and her partner (left) have a clothing brand that today dedicates its days to making chinstraps, camisoles, hats and boots to donate to health personnel; like them, many are the Argentines who joined “taking care of those who take care of us”. Credit: Kindness

If there is one thing that we all share in the last weeks, it was uncertainty and changes in plans. For the majority of the population,

the projects of the next months were truncated in front of COVID-19

, from the least important to other more important. That was the case of Luz González Clement who

she was getting married on April 25 and suspended everything

“until when possible”. A year of preparation and a lot of work were paused for this fashion designer and owner of Bisovi, a clothing brand that

today he dedicates his days to making chinstraps, camisoles, hats and boots to donate to health personnel

. “Everything happened to a last place.


He came to teach us that there are many things in everyday life that are not important. At some point we are going to get married, this pandemic made things easier and came to make us less selfish, “reflects Luz.

With their partner they decided to use

fisellina fabric

destined to make business bags to put on chinstraps, after consulting with Anmat, and now they are also making all the complete protective equipment. These are supplies that doctors and nurses need in bulk, since every time they are in contact with a coronavirus patient they must change it and throw it away. ”

We are pulling 500 chins weekly

We have fabrics of all colors, because it was the stock. We use our

online site

as a platform for donations and we receive many, in addition to requests from hospitals across the country, “he says.

While organizing this circuit to which many people joined, Luz contacted

Women in Advertising (MEP), a network

of women in the advertising sector that since 2019 is dedicated to enforcing and caring for the gender perspective within that industry. This group, together with the Bimedia, Walrus and Bra Agency agencies launched

the campaign #YoCuidoAQuienNosCuida

, an action to gather personal protection supplies that health personnel are needing.

In Bisovi they make chinstraps and other supplies with the fiselline cloth that they had destined to make the bags for their clothing business.
In Bisovi they make chinstraps and other supplies with the fiselline cloth that they had destined to make the bags for their clothing business. Credit: Kindness

“One of the girls on the network commented on WhatsApp about the needs they were having for chinstraps, gel alcohol and other supplies everywhere. Another offered a contact that could donate them and thus the idea to arm the campaign was born,” explains Rocío Restaino , on behalf of the network of advertisers.

Since they started two weeks ago, they have delivered more than 2,500 chinstraps, 77 liters of alcohol, 7,500 liters of water, 1,500 gloves and 1,200 food meals to 16 hospitals.

“A lot of people were writing to tell us that they wanted to collaborate. So when it escalated to more people, one of us set up her office to receive orders and the Fundación Santa Catalina provided us with a

payment platform to receive donations

. We got to collect 450,000 pesos that we already use to buy supplies. Donations rose and orders from doctors and hospitals rose, “says Rocío.

Also on that list of people who wanted to help was Rosario de las Carreras, a decorator who couldn’t work because of the quarantine. While cooking at home, he thought of all the health personnel that these days he would be eating badly, in a hurry or that they would come to his house and have nothing, in case they live alone.

It occurred to him to prepare meats and donate them.

A friend accompanied her with the idea and they put together a platform for more people to join. Today, there are 10 volunteers preparing food for professionals who write to them or who are neighbors and they know.

Health personnel thanks for the food received.


“My boyfriend remembered that our neighbor worked in the Garrahan and we got him food for him to take to the hospital. We also contacted other well-known doctors and sent meals to the hospitals where they work. In this way we build a network with the people we have nearby and it is expanding throughout the city and the suburbs, “Rosario says.

Never more than now the idea that everything adds up is a reality. The examples are replicated and multiplied in #YoCuidoAQuienNosCuida. From brands like Ampi Vera, an online clothing store that

donated 10% of his earnings

and dragged several more brands with his action, to Anahí López who, from Ortopedia Nuñez,

offered to get supplies at cost prices

(something very difficult to negotiate in these times of speculation) and transport them free to the hospitals that have requested them. Also the international Rappi

offered to do free transfers

donations to hospitals and even a common citizen like Luciana Máquez, actress and teacher of spherodynamics who, without work today for the quarantine,

offered his car on the networks for those who need it in the emergency

. “I am calm and I think that you have to get out of worry helping, because that takes you out of the reverie and does you good. I started to send a message on the networks that said: ‘Hello, I am Luciana, I have a car and I want to help Who needs it. If someone has to go to a guard or take someone else, let me know. ‘So I found MEP and I joined, “he explains.

Luciana Máquez delivering one of the chinstrap donations, within the framework of the #YoAyudoAQuienNosCuida campaign; she offered her car in the networks


Another initiative that was born with the idea of ​​helping health teams is

Donate supplies

. Tomás Ruschin, graphic designer and ideologue of the page, took the model of some applications and offers two forms: one for those who want to donate and the other for those who ask for donations. He is dedicated to checking the data and connects both parties. “When I saw the photo of a friend’s girlfriend on Instagram, who was returning with her face marked by the chins at 12 at night, I felt that we had to do something to help her and everyone who works in health like her He told me what they were needing in hospitals and some friends helped me create and viralize this network, “explains Tomás.

They still have a lot of orders and few donors,

Because they started a few days ago but they have already brought 40 3D masks to the Gutiérrez Hospital, donated by the Altana3D company, which has already delivered more than 1,200 in these two weeks, some of them at the Hospital de Clínicas.

Doná Insumos makes 3D masks reach hospitals.
Doná Insumos makes 3D masks reach hospitals. Credit: Kindness

Great needs

The entire staff is grateful for the donations that come to them. “From the essential of the

personal protection

to the friendliest that are


of food, “says clinical doctor Lucila Sagué, from the Ramos Mejía Hospital.


they are donating a lot of water

for patients who are isolated and that helps us a lot because it prevents us from entering the room so often, which requires changing all the clothes every time you leave there, “explains a doctor at the Iriarte de Quilmes Hospital.” The nurses – He adds- they are the most exposed and the most scared because they are the ones who are with patients all the time. ”

Is that

Anguish and fear also invade them

Because they have a home to return to, a family to take care of, and they are terrified of infecting it. “When I think about my exhibition, what scares me the most is infecting and making my children sick, the lady who cares for my children. I begin to imagine if I am asymptomatic, if I am going to evolve well, if they are infected and how they are doing to evolve. Every Monday night I have to go to the guard it gives me a lot of anguish. I go through a lot of sensations, “describes Gabriela Rejala Asal, a doctor at the Ramos Mejía Hospital.

Foreseeing these

traumatic disorders

that anyone who works in the health field may be suffering in this context of a pandemic that will last several more months, the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires also seeks to care for those who care and

created a free customer service

for all the health personnel who are currently suffering from the fears that Gabriela suffers. “Health personnel are the ones who may feel more affected because they are more exposed to extreme situations caused by the pandemic.

It is a very important stressor

and that is why the consultation is taken and followed up, since they are direct response teams, “explains Dr. Martín Etchevers, research secretary of that institution and one of the team coordinators. Other schools, such as the Law School, They also made a free customer service available to people.



It grows day by day and is essential to face this global crisis that physically locked us in our homes but that unites us globally so that we can get out of this pandemic a little better.

How to help



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