English Spanish Vocabulary – Animales marinos Sea animals

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Today we are going to practice useful Spanish vocabulary related to Sea animals.
Hoy vamos a practicar vocabulario español útil relacionado con Animales marinos.

Use the player below to listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the words in Spanish:


Animales marinos Sea animals

el caballito de mar – seahorse
el calamar – squid
el camarón – shrimp
el cangrejo – crab
el delfín – dolphin
el erizo de mar – sea urchin
el león marino – sea lion
el manatí – manatee
el pez – fish
el pulpo – octopus
el tiburón – shark
la almeja – clam
la anémona – anemone
la anguila – eel
la ballena – whale
la estrella de mar – sea star
la foca – seal
la langosta – lobster
la marsopa – porpoise
la medusa – jellyfish
la morsa – walrus
la nutria marina – sea otter
la orca – orca
la ostra – oyster
la tortuga – sea turtle

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About the Author:Laura

I am from Bilbao in northern Spain. I qualified as a Spanish Language Teacher in 2004. I have taught Spanish in England and Spain and now really enjoy teaching the Spanish Language via my website The Spanish Blog to students from all around the world. I love my job and the intricacies of the Spanish Language. My main personal interests are music, reading and cooking. I studied music for twelve years in Bilbao and I play the piano. I also enjoy singing and I try my best to sing more in English now. I hope very much that you enjoy my posts and welcome any comments.


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