Beginner Spanish Listening Practice – Comparisons (Part 1)

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In this Spanish lesson we will practice comparing in Spanish using more transport vocabulary. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening.

This lesson is part of a Spanish course that practices the grammar and vocabulary first introduced in my beginner Spanish course posted here on the Transparent Language blog. Let’s test your listening comprehension and see if you can understand a short audio in Spanish. The transcript to the audio will be given at the end of the post but please try not to look at it until you have tried playing and understanding the audio a few times.

Use the following link to watch the corresponding video lesson of the original course:

Beginner Spanish Lesson 19 Comparisons

Please familiarise yourself with the following words and phrases before listening to the audio below:

Barato: inexpensive
Limpio: clean

Now, play the audio to listen to a conversation between friends. Can you understand what they are saying? Play the audio a few times before you look at the transcript. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every single thing the two people are saying. Try to catch whichever words you can and then try to piece things together to work out what is being said.

(Play the audio a few times before you scroll down and look at the transcript)



Sonia: Hola Jack ¿Adónde vas?
Jack: Voy a la plaza del Sol.
Sonia: ¿Vas en metro?
Jack: No, voy en autobús.
Sonia: Pues el metro es más rápido que el autobús.
Jack: Ya, pero el autobús es más barato que el metro.
Sonia: ¡Ah, vale! Pero el metro es mejor que el autobús. Está más limpio. Y el metro es menos peligroso que el autobús.
Jack: Mmmm.. Vale. Voy en metro. ¿Y tú adónde vas?
Sonia: Voy a mi casa.
Jack: ¿Vas en coche?
Sonia: No, voy andando.
Jack: ¿Quieres ir en metro conmigo? Es más rápido que ir andando.
Sonia: Sí, vale. Voy contigo.


So, how did you get on? How much did you understand of the listening? Please let me know in the comments section below…

Don’t worry if you didn’t understand that much, keep reviewing the vocabulary and phrases and you will soon be up to speed and ready for the next lesson in this course. See you next time!


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About the Author:Laura

Laura. I qualified as a Spanish Language Teacher in 2004. I have taught Spanish in England and Spain and now really enjoy teaching the Spanish Language via my website The Spanish Blog to students from all around the world. I love my job and the intricacies of the Spanish Language. My main personal interests are music, reading and cooking. I studied music for twelve years in Bilbao and I play the piano. I also enjoy singing and I try my best to sing more in English now. I hope very much that you enjoy my posts and welcome any comments.

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