Las personas que se pregunten cómo se vería Campanita en la vida real pueden empezar a responder esta pregunta a través de la inteligencia artificial, que elabora imágenes al instante para pensar bajo una nueva luz a este y otros personajes. Esta hada, descrita en la obra teatral de 1904, […]
Admit it: You probably have tried to imitate the impeccable accent you have always been hearing on soap operas or TV series coming from the Spanish-speaking world, but you may have noticed it sounds very different from the language spoken elsewhere. Photo taken from Pixabay. Well, I congratulate you for […]
Medellín es la ciudad de la eterna primavera (Medellin is the City of Eternal Spring). This Colombian city is a fascinating place to explore. One of the best ways to learn about Medellín is on one of the daily free walking tours led by Real City Tours. Some highlights of the […]
The best way to get to know Medellín is by joining a Real City Walking Tour. The tours are free (be sure to tip your guide!) and provide an incredible history lesson on Colombia’s City of Eternal Spring. A great intro to the city. Check out some highlights from the […]