In this Spanish lesson we will practice using El Condicional, which corresponds to the conditional ‘Would’ tense in English. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. Image courtesy of These are the rules of how […]
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One of my priorities when traveling is food. What do people eat there and how do I get in on the fun? Food varies so much in Spanish speaking countries that it would require endless blog posts to cover all. In this post, I am going to cover some of […]
Chile es un país muy hermoso (Chile is a very beautiful country). It’s a great place to travel, but you’ll definitely want to improve your Spanish before heading there. We’re here to help you learn more about Chile and improve your Spanish at the same time. With the help of […]
In this Spanish lesson we will practice using El Futuro Imperfecto. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. El Futuro Imperfecto corresponds with the future ‘will’ tense in English. These are the rules of how to […]
Next week, Mexicans all over the world will celebrate el día de los muertos or day of the dead with ofrendas (offerings), pan de muerto (day of the dead bread), and photographs of their loved ones. While the celebration has always been strong in Mexico, it has recently become much more commercial. But how did this […]
In this Spanish lesson we will continue practice using both El Pretérito Imperfecto and El Pretérito Indefinido. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. This lesson continues on from the previous lesson in this course which […]