There are as many names for the same food items as cultures throughout the Spanish-speaking world. And if you are a foodie like I am or you just like to cook, it becomes key to know how those ingredients are called in different parts of the Americas and the Iberian […]
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Apart from exercising your brain and foster your critical thinking, riddles can help you learn new vocabulary and retain it longer in your mind. They also make you think in Spanish, which is key in the language acquisition process. In my previous post, you learned very common sayings to impart […]
In this Spanish lesson we are going to practice choosing when to use Spanish Indicative or Subjunctive when expressing opinion. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. Image courtesy of This lesson is part of […]
If you have ever flown into Mexico City, you have unfortunately seen the ugly thick layer of smog that covers it. Air pollution is something that has been plaguing Mexico City for many years now, and while there have been some efforts to diminish it, the air is just filthy. […]
When I started doing research before our move to Latin America a few years ago, I had a list of things I really wanted to experience. Visiting Machu Picchu, hiking in Patagonia, seeing lucha libre in Mexico, and experiencing Holy Week in Guatemala were all high up on my list. […]
In this Spanish lesson we are going to practice the correlation between Spanish Indicativo and Subjuntivo. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. Image courtesy of This lesson is part of a Spanish course that […]