¿Cuáles son tus resoluciones de año nuevo? (What are your New Year’s Resolutions?). For many people, a New Year’s Resolution is to aprende un idioma (learn a language). That’s probably why you’re reading this blog! In this post I’m going to talk about los mejores lugares para aprender español en […]
You won’t get very far when traveling in any Spanish-speaking country if you don’t know how to count. Learning the numbers is one of the first things you want to do when trying to get to at least a beginner level of Spanish. In this video lesson, you’ll learn the […]
¿Cuál es su propósito de Año Nuevo? (What is your New Year’s resolution?) I’m sure your answer is, “Mi resolución de Año Nuevo es aprender español” (My New Year’s resolution is to learn Spanish.” The beginning of the year is a time that many people resolve to learn a new […]
Massively open online courses offer you a free seat in the digital classroom, injecting a refreshing dose of structure to your online language learning. It’s the middle of January and if you’re like most of us, your new year’s resolutions for learning Spanish started off strong, but your willpower may be […]