I recently published a post about survival Spanish for traveling, which is full of useful words and phrases that will help you get by in Spanish-speaking countries. I actually just finished up a trip where I was able to put my survival Spanish to the test. Recientemente, viajé a Costa Rica […]
In my travels around Latin America, I am often told “¡Hablas muy bien español!” (You speak Spanish very well). To be completely honest with you, though, mi español no es muy bueno (my Spanish isn’t very good). I just love traveling, learning about different cultures, and meeting people. This has […]
Last month during a conference at the University of Salamanca, the director of the RAE or the Real Academia Española stated that the RAE was not going to impose inclusive language with new terms such as miembras and todes instead of miembros and todos. In this post, we will explore who the RAE is and what […]
In the last year, I’ve written quite a few posts about Colombia for the Spanish blog. I wrote about studying Spanish in Medellín, which I highly recommend as a destination for learning the language. You can also read my post about La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera (the City of […]
The holidays are upon us! December is filled with so many festivities and traditions around the world, and Mexico is no exception. In this post, I will cover just a few of the traditions that some people observe such as posadas, ponche, los villancicos, and el nacimiento. Guadalupe-Reyes The party marathon that stretches […]
One of my priorities when traveling is food. What do people eat there and how do I get in on the fun? Food varies so much in Spanish speaking countries that it would require endless blog posts to cover all. In this post, I am going to cover some of […]