Comerciales de los discos activos para limpieza de inodoro Pato Purific, producto de SC Johnson, una compañia familiar. Versiones para Argentina, Brasil, Chile, España y México. En un mundo donde nada es lo que parece, todo es muy claro para el Pato Suscribite a nuestras novedades en Seguinos en nuestras […]
Comercial de Dentastix de Pedigree para México (2021). En el corto protagonizan Diego Boneta y su perrita Akila. Letra de la canción Dale uno por día, cepilla sus dientes a tu perro Dentastix. Es más divertido y le encanta cuidamos sus dientes con Dentastix. Dentastix !! Duración: 00:01:31 Twitter: […]
Chile es un país muy hermoso (Chile is a very beautiful country). It’s a great place to travel, but you’ll definitely want to improve your Spanish before heading there. We’re here to help you learn more about Chile and improve your Spanish at the same time. With the help of […]
We’ve seen a lot of the Chilean capital in our video series called “Santiago de Chile en español.” Be sure to give Part One and Part Two a quick look before watching the third and final video. One last video tour of Santiago. Learn how to get around this massive […]
Santiago is a beautiful city with lots to see and do. Explore the Chilean capital and learn some Spanish at the same time in our new video series “Santiago de Chile en español.” Explore Santiago (in Spanish!) In Part One, learn a little bit about the city’s history and climate. […]
For the past year, I’ve been bouncing around Latin America. You can read about my adventures in Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador in part one, as well as Peru and Chile in part two. In this time, I’ve been trying out the digital nomad lifestyle – working online, learning Spanish, and […]