English Spanish Vocabulary – Weddings Bodas

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Today we are going to practice useful Spanish vocabulary related to weddings.
Hoy vamos a practicar vocabulario español útil relacionado con bodas.


Weddings Bodas

anillo de boda wedding ring
anillo de compromiso engagement ring
aniversario de boda wedding anniversary
casado married
casarse (con alguien) to get married (to someone)
casarse por lo civil to have a registry-office wedding
casarse por la iglesia to have a church wedding
dama de honor maid of honour, bridesmaid
despedida de soltera hen party
despedida de soltero stag party
divorciado divorced
divorciarse to get divorced
confeti confetti
marido husband
el novio the bridegroom
iglesia church
invitación invitation
invitado guest
juzgado registry office
esposa wife
la novia bride
lista de boda wedding list
los novios the bride and groom
luna de miel honeymoon
noche de bodas wedding night
pareja de recién casados honeymoon couple
prometerse to get engaged
proponerle matrimonio a alguien to propose to someone
recepción reception
regalo de boda wedding present
soltero single
tarta de boda wedding cake
testigo witness
un novio a boyfriend
una novia a girlfriend
vestido de novia wedding dress

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About the Author:Laura

Laura. I qualified as a Spanish Language Teacher in 2004. I have taught Spanish in England and Spain and now really enjoy teaching the Spanish Language via my website The Spanish Blog to students from all around the world. I love my job and the intricacies of the Spanish Language. My main personal interests are music, reading and cooking. I studied music for twelve years in Bilbao and I play the piano. I also enjoy singing and I try my best to sing more in English now. I hope very much that you enjoy my posts and welcome any comments.

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