English Spanish Parallel Texts – Spanish Numbers 100-1000

Si te gusta, compártelo

In this lesson of our English Spanish Parallel Texts course and we are going to practice using Spanish Numbers 100-1000. Start by reading the texts in Spanish below. The English translations are provided later but please try not to look at them until you have read the Spanish versions various times and tried your best to understand them.

There may be some words and phrases in the text that you are unfamiliar with, but you should be aiming to capture the main essence of what is happening. There will always be words and phrases popping up in real-life situations that you have never heard before, so it is important never to get too distracted by details.

If you want to investigate some of the words you don’t know with a dictionary that would be great, please do, but do this after trying your best to understand with what you already have in your head.

Spanish Numbers 100-1000

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


Spanish Text


Tom: Tu pueblo es muy bonito Julia.
Julia: Muchas gracias Tom. Sí es un pueblo precioso.
Tom: ¿Es muy pequeño, no?
Julia: Sí, solo hay más o menos quinientas personas aquí.
Tom: ¡Guau! En mi ciudad, Londres, hay ocho millones de personas.
Julia: ¡Increíble! Londres es gigante. ¿Hay muchos españoles en Londres?
Tom: ¡Claro! Igual treinta mil.
Julia: ¿Eres de Londres Tom?
Tom: No, yo soy de Manchester.
Julia: ¿Como es Manchester Tom y por qué estás en Londres y no en Manchester?
Tom: Mi corazón está en Manchester pero hay más trabajo en Londres. También hay más teatros, bares, discotecas y restaurantes buenos.
Julia: En mi pueblo solo hay un teatro, dos bares, dos restaurantes y no hay discotecas.
Tom: Bueno, ¿dónde hay un bar? ¿Hay uno cerca?
Julia: Sí, ¡vamos!



English Text


Tom: Your town is very beautiful Julia.
Julia: Thank you very much Tom. Yes it is a beautiful town.
Tom: It’s very small, is it not?
Julia: Yes, there are only about five hundred people here.
Tom: Wow! In my city, London, there are eight million people.
Julia: Incredible! London is enormous. Are there many Spaniards in London?
Tom: Of course! Maybe thirty thousand.
Julia: Are you from London Tom?
Tom: No, I’m from Manchester.
Julia: How is Manchester Tom and why are you in London and not in Manchester?
Tom: My heart is in Manchester but there is more work in London. There are also more theatres, bars, clubs and good restaurants.
Julia: In my town there is only one theatre, two bars, two restaurants and there are no discos.
Tom: OK, where is a bar? Is there one nearby?
Julia: Yes, let’s go!


So, how did you get on? How much did you understand of the original text before checking the translation? Please let me know in the comments section below…

Don’t worry if you didn’t understand that much, practice makes perfect! Be patient and keep reading, hearing, writing, and speaking Spanish. See you next time!

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