Is a bit of one-on-one conversation all you’re missing to convert long hours studying into confident spoken Spanish? Before you go scouring the web for your next digital conversation partner, consider first connecting with the Spanish speakers living just around the corner. When I was practicing Dutch five years ago […]
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In this Spanish lesson we will practice Spanish vocabulary related to bars and pubs and speaking Spanish in a bar or pub. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. This lesson is part of a […]
Comercial de la agencia BETC París para Peugeot Sport International y el modelo Peugeot 308 GTi. Monito que pega cachetazo a chino Spot del anunciante: Ficha tecnica Anunciante: Peugeot Sport International Producto: Peugeot 308 GTi Agencia de Publicidad: BETC París Productora: Wanda Productions Director: Noam Murro
Watching movies is a fantastic way to supplement your language learning and improve your listening. Lucky for Spanish learners, Netflix keeps churning out films en español. One of our most popular posts on the Spanish blog last year was about all the binge-worthy Spanish-language shows on Netflix and how they can fit […]
In this Spanish lesson we will practice more related to the Spanish alphabet and spelling in Spanish. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. This lesson continues on from the previous lesson in this course which […]
Massively open online courses offer you a free seat in the digital classroom, injecting a refreshing dose of structure to your online language learning. It’s the middle of January and if you’re like most of us, your new year’s resolutions for learning Spanish started off strong, but your willpower may be […]